Reasons you absolutely need gutters. Benefits of seamless gutters. Advantages of seamless gutters.

When moving into a new home it’s common to put gutter installation on the back burner, but doing so could be a bad move— especially in rainy Louisiana. It may seem like you’re saving money by doing without, but you could be making a very costly mistake.

Gutters actually protect your biggest investment, saving you time and money— here’s how!

1. Preventing Soil Erosion: In Louisiana, it rains A LOT. Without gutters, rainwater pours off the roof in large volumes, eroding landscaping around the foundation of your house or causing sinkholes to form. Gutters channel the water away from the house and allow it to flow safely into the ground, reducing soil erosion.

2. Reducing Foundation Damage: Over time, standing water from rain runoff can cause cracks in your foundation, leading to costly repairs. Foundation damage is no joke and foundation repair is even less funny! Gutters prevent excess water from pooling around the foundation and protect your home from structural damage. Think of water damage the way you would termites! 

3. Protecting Flower Beds: Heavy rains can create pools of water around your flower beds, causing plants to drown in waterlogged soil. With gutters installed, rainwater is channeled away from flower beds, helping plants grow stronger and healthier. Heavy rains also displace wood chips and mulch, leaving you with a mess on your hands and likely another trip to the garden center. 

4. Preventing Water Stains: When rainwater falls off the roof and onto the ground, it can splash dirt and debris onto the house's siding, causing unsightly stains. Next thing you know you’re spending your free time pressure washing with your fingers crossed. Gutters prevent this by channeling the water into the drainage system and protecting your home's exterior.

There’s no doubt about it, gutters are a great investment for any homeowner who wants to protect their property from damage. 

At Deep South Gutters & Patios we know firsthand the damage that rainwater can do to your home, which is why we are so passionate about our product. Our seamless gutter system is of superior quality and our customer service is unmatched. We customize your gutters to match your home in a way that blends beautifully and eliminates the ugly seams and splices that are common with other gutters. But we’re not just here to install gutters, we're partnering with you for a long-term relationship in protecting your home with repair and maintenance options. 

Contact us today for a free estimate by filling out the form on our website or emailing